Saturday 20 September 2008

Band of the Week (or month. Season perhaps?): Prince Edward Island

Firstly, an apology from me to you. Prince Edward Island have been our band of the week since the week following A Certain Education, and that little thing called life has got in the way of my shouting from the rooftops about them.

Prince Edward Island cropped up on the internet, and quite rightly stated that they may be our cup of tea – well, you know how we like tea! It only took a brief listen to fall in love; taking inspiration from the best of mildly melancholic, soft yet often noisy Scottish masters such as The Delgados PEI have forged a number of pieces of beauty. Blips of electronics build with guitars, drums, horns…seemingly everything the five piece can get their hands on, yet everything seems utterly natural. Shortly after discovery we found that tracks were already wholly familiar, it’s as though these folk were simply made to make this music, and we were made to listen to it.

PYT aren’t the only ones who feel this way either, on playing Part-Life to a quietening bar edging up to midnight we found the previously unacquainted barman happily whistling along. These Islanders are probably the best friends you’ve never had – a comfort, a joy, anything you want them to be. They also cause me to sing in a very poor Scottish accent. Bravo

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